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Check-in User Guide

Churches with a smooth, organized and efficient children check-in give parents and guardians a feeling of confidence in knowing their children are safe in the care of competent and diligent people. Fellowship One Check-in was designed specifically with child and church nursery security and safety in mind.

Fellowship One Check-in eliminates the need to run up and down the halls, or even to other buildings, trying to verify a child’s location, the number of volunteers in each room, and which rooms have reached maximum capacity. It also offers centralized management to open and close rooms, reassign volunteers across the entire church campus, or even multiple sites.

The Check-in User Guide gives Step-by-step instruction for setting up an activity for use with Check-in, as well as how to test everything before the activity and run Check-in during the activity.

Based on your edition of Fellowship One, you may be able to use Check-in for other ministries too! To find out which edition you have, simply log in to Fellowship One and scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Your edition is listed in the bottom right corner.

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